DocsThe Transfer Agent will receive an invitation email containing a unique URL to access the Transfer Agent persona of the platform.
When the Transfer Agent clicks on the provided URL, they will be redirected to the Transfer Agent login page.
On the login page, the Transfer Agent must enter the email address and temporary password provided in the invitation email.
The user will also be prompted to confirm the login credentials
FR:001 The Transfer Agent must click on the “Email” and enter the email address.
FR:002 The Transfer Agent must click on the “Password” to and enter the password
FR:003 The Transfer Agent must click on the “Sign-In” button to sign in into the Libertum platform.
After entering and confirming the email and password, the “Login” button will become active.
Upon clicking the “Login” button, the system will authenticate the credentials.
If the credentials are correct, the Transfer Agent will be redirected to their dashboard.
The Transfer Agent will be able to access all the functionalities and responsibilities associated with their role once logged in.
Upon successful login, the Transfer Agent will be redirected to their dashboard.
The dashboard will display the following key information:
● Total Offerings: The total number of offerings assigned to the Transfer Agent.
● Total Investors: The cumulative number of investors across all assigned offerings.
● Total Whitelisted Wallets: The total number of wallets that have been successfully whitelisted for the offerings.
● Pending Approvals: A number count of any pending approval requests related to wallet whitelisting approval
FR:004 The T.A must click on the “Offerings” so that they can filter the dashboard data based on specific offerings, allowing them to focus on particular offerings
FR:005 The T.A. will be able to view a feature called a line chart displaying asset valuations, such as AUM (Assets Under Management) or token prices, on a monthly basis.
The Transfer Agent can view trends in asset performance over time.
FR:006 The T.A. will be able to view information about the top 5 holders of each asset, including:
● Holding Percentage: The percentage of the total asset held by each top holder.
● Tokens Held: The exact number of tokens held by each top holder.
FR:007 The T.A. will be able to view the latest two offerings assigned to them directly on the dashboard.
Cap Table
The Transfer Agent when directed to the Cap Table will display the following key information:
● Circulating Supply: The total number of tokens currently in circulation.
● Frozen & Unfrozen Tokens: The breakdown of tokens that are frozen versus those that are unfrozen.
● Total Investors: The total number of investors holding tokens in that offering
FR:008 The T.A. must click on the “Search bar” to search the cap table basis name and email address of the holder.
FR:009 The T.A. must click on the “Blockchain” to filter the cap table basis the blockchain.
FR:010 The T.A. must click on the “Offering” to filter the cap table basis the offering type.
FR:011 The cap table will display a detailed list of investors, including:
● Investor Name
● Email ID
● Percentage Ownership: The percentage of the total circulating tokens owned by the investor.
● Tokens Held: The exact number of tokens held by the investor.
● Freeze/Unfreeze Tokens Count: Indicates the number of tokens that are currently frozen or unfrozen for the investor.
● Action Button - Freeze/Unfreeze: An action button allowing the Transfer Agent to initiate token freezing or unfreezing.
FR:012 The T.A. must click on the “Freeze” button next to an investor, they will be redirected to a modal.
The modal will display the following pre-filled details:
● Token Name
● Investor’s Wallet Address
● Token to be freezed
● Confirm
The Transfer Agent will then input the quantity of tokens they wish to freeze.
Below this input, the user’s current token balance will be displayed.
The Transfer Agent cannot freeze more tokens than are available in the user’s balance.
A required field for Reason for Freeze will be included, where the Transfer Agent must enter the reason for freezing the tokens.
Upon clicking “Confirm,” the tokens will be frozen, the investor’s token balance will be updated, and an email notification will be sent to the investor regarding the freeze action.
FR:013 The T.A. must click on the “Unfreeze” button and perform the freezing process, the Transfer Agent can click the “Unfreeze” button next to an investor’s name.
A modal will appear, showing the token balance that is currently frozen.
The Transfer Agent will input the number of tokens they wish to unfreeze.
After clicking “Confirm,” the tokens will be unfrozen, the investor’s token balance will be updated, and an email notification will be sent to the investor regarding the unfreeze action.
Wallet Whitelist
Whitelist requests will only be sent to the Transfer Agent if the Transfer Agent role was selected during the offering creation process.
For offerings where the Transfer Agent is involved, investors who subscribe in the Primary Market will have their first requests automatically sent to the Wallet Whitelist section.
The Transfer Agent will see a list of pending (not yet whitelisted) requests at the top of the Whitelist section.
Requests are displayed by offering, allowing the Transfer Agent to view and manage them one offering at a time.
FR:014 The T.A. must click on the “Search bar” to search the wallet by the ticker and order id.
FR:015 The T.A. must click on the “Blockchain” to select the wallet transactions by the blockchain.
FR:016 The T.A. must click on the “Offering” to select the wallet whitelist based on the status type.
FR:017 The T.A. must click on the “Status” to select the wallet whitelist based on the status type.
The Transfer Agent can choose to whitelist either a single investor or multiple investors simultaneously.
Each investor entry will include a checkbox on the left-hand side, allowing the Transfer Agent to select one or more investors.
FR:018 The T.A. must click on the “Approve” button will be prominently displayed at the top right-hand side of the section.This button will only be enabled if one or more investors are selected.
If no investors are selected, the button remains disabled.
After selecting the desired investors, the Transfer Agent will click the “Approve” button to approve the wallets.
Upon approval, the whitelist request will be sent to the Issuer for final on-chain whitelisting.
FR:019 The T.A. must click on the “Reject” button to reject the particular wallet from whitelisting by selecting the particular wallet request.
Transfer Journal
When a transfer agent receives a transfer request from an investor to move tokens from one whitelisted wallet address to another, the request will appear in the “Transfer Journal” section of the transfer agent persona.
The transfer request will originate from the investor’s persona and will be visible to the transfer agent with all necessary details.
FR:020 The T.A. must click on the “Search Bar” to search the journal basis the ticker and order id.
FR:021 The T.A. must click on the “Blockchain” to select the wallet transactions by the blockchain.
FR:022 The T.A. must click on the “Status” to select the wallet whitelist based on the status type.